programming study/F-React, Typescript

20220427_react(onClick 사용법)

gu9gu 2022. 4. 27. 15:16

react - onClick


1. 버튼 눌렀을 때만 1출력되게 하고 싶을 때

import React, {useState,useEffect} from 'react';

const Test = () => {
    const fnTest = () => {
    const fnTestA =() => (event) => {
    return (
          <button onClick={() => fnTest()}>버튼 눌렀을 때만 1 출력</button>
          {/* <button onClick={fnTest()}>화면 렌더링 되면서 1 출력, 버튼 동작 안 함</button> */}
          {/* <button onClick={fnTestA()}>버튼 눌렀을 때만 1 출력</button> */}
          {/* <button onClick={(e) => fnTest(e)}>버튼 눌렀을 때만 1 출력</button> */}
          {/* <button onClick={() => fnTest()}>버튼 눌렀을 때만 1 출력</button> */}

export default Test;


2. 객체 배열을 수정하는 법

let newArray = [...배열];

newArray[인덱스] 사용++; // 인덱스 사용해서 제어





How do I update states `onChange` in an array of object in React Hooks

I have retrieved datas stored using useState in an array of object, the datas was then outputted into form fields. And now I want to be able to update the fields (state) as I type. I have seen exam...

import React, {useState,useEffect} from 'react';

const Test = () => {
    const [places, setPlaces] = useState([
        {id:1, val:0},
        {id:2, val:0}
    const fnGoodA = (idx) => {
        let newArray = [...places];
        newArray[idx].val ++;
    const fnGoodB = (idx) => (evnet) => {
        let newArray = [...places];
        newArray[idx].val ++;
    const fnGoodC = (idx) => {
        let newArray = [...places];
        newArray[idx].val ++;
    return (
          { (item, idx) => (
          	<div key={idx}>
            	<button onclick={fnGoodA(idx)}>(잘못된 방법) 무한 반복됨. infinite loop. </button>
                {/* <button onclick={()=>fnGoodA(idx)}>버튼 누르면 + 1</button> */}
                {/* <button onclick={fnGoodB(idx)}>버튼 누르면 +1</button> */}
                {/* <button onclick={(event)=>fnGoodC(idx,event)}>버튼 누르면 + 1</button> */}

export default Test;


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